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- Cell Phone Programming Software
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Cell Phone Programming Software
» » programming software and programming cradle for a swissphone RE729 pager, and a swissphone S QUAD pager Views Date Posted 1701 Sat March 26, 2016 Looking for: I apologize, but I was not able to find a forum for fire and EMS pagers, so I decided to put this in the want ads. I'm looking for software and programming cradle for the above-mentioned model of a swissphone fire pager. Again, the models are RE729 and S QUAD vhf pagers. Our department just bought a few of the new S Quad pagers, other than that we have the RE729, except for two people who have a Motorola minitor V which was purchased through a grant who are County EMS Association. Personally I am a Motorola fan, but I am taking a deep dive and purchased a new Kenwood TK-2312 radio and so far I like it, and bought the programming software/cable and programmed mine, and there are a couple more members who would like a 2312 radio as well so I can program them.
Programmiersoftware Swiss Phone Programming Software Free
I am trying to find what the other portable kenwood radio model that everybody has for handheld radios. They are all the same, they have a 8 character display and they have 4 front buttons for field programming or whatever, and then I believe there's two buttons right underneath the PTT button, but I don't know what model number it is, it is a VHF radio. If anybody has an idea of what model that could be, please let me know, so I could try to find the software for that, it will be greatly appreciated. The programming cable that program my 2312 will also program all of our other Kenwood handhelds radios. I just need the model of the radio so I can get that software. But I would like to be able to get the above programming stuff so our department does not have to pay hundreds of dollars to get pagers reprogram when I can do it for free. I have the capabilities of doing all of our Kenwood handhelds( if I am able to figure out the model number of the radios we have for handheld radios and then get the appropriate software for it) and also working on getting the ability to do all of our Kenwood mobiles that are in our units and the base radio at the fire station, I am just looking for software and programming cradle to do our pager.
Programmiersoftware Swiss Phone Programming Software Download
I have one for the minitor 5, and for my minitor 6, so that's not a problem I just need the 2 swissphone model software and cradle for each one. Thank you very much. Chris Keywords: Wanted By.